As part of his professional activities helpdesk administrator must solve a wide range of problems. To do this he must have the necessary skills and knowledge.

As part of his professional activities helpdesk administrator must solve a wide range of problems. To do this he must have the necessary skills and knowledge. In particular, for the successful management of a company’s information infrastructure, a good helpdesk should possess such skills and knowledge:
- Skills in the proper use of search engines – the ability to formulate the right queries accurately and quickly.
- A good knowledge of the GUI of the operating systems used in the company. It is recommended to get acquainted in detail with new versions of operating systems as soon as they are released in order to implement updates promptly and efficiently. We are talking, of course, mostly about different versions of Windows.
- Thorough knowledge of the software, allowing remote access to computers. Such applications as SysAid, RMS, Teamviwer, RDP system client and others are used for this purpose.
- Mastery of command line skills. A sysadmin must have a good knowledge of all the basic commands and be able to use them correctly.
- Ability to work with all major software used in the company. The sysadmin performs the tasks of installing and uninstalling programs, making basic settings. This includes regularly working with programs Office suite, browsers, email clients, anti-virus software, im-agent, etc.
- Ability to work with basic snap-ins to perform operating system setup, including compmgmt, msconfig, services, printmanagment, etc.
- Ability to work with peripheral equipment. Helpdesk is periodically required to install and configure printers, scanners, keyboards, mice, webcams, speakers, card readers and other devices.
- Skills and understanding of working with “hardware”. Working in a company sysadmin regularly disassembles and assembles computers, conducts diagnostics, and performs preventive maintenance and minor repairs to PCs.
In addition the system administrator in his daily work has to deal with many other tasks and problems, the scope of which is very difficult to outline. Therefore, it is very important for a specialist to constantly evolve, keep their knowledge and skills up to date.