When network failures occur frequently, it is necessary to look for the causes of such problems. This can be an old technical base, poor user experience, or poor system administration.

When network failures occur frequently, it is necessary to look for the causes of such problems. This can be an old technical base, poor user experience, or poor system administration. Such problems not only affect the performance of the computer network, but can also cause failures and problems in business processes, so you should not ignore all this. It is necessary to understand that system administration is not a luxury but an objective necessity!
This includes all work related to debugging, prevention, optimization, control, and other activities aimed at maintaining the information system. It is not necessary to think that this is the usual maintenance of computers and computer equipment. These are versatile processes, aimed at the use of a well thought-out strategy, and also require high qualifications from specialists.
What is the advantage of professional system administration, which is performed by qualified specialists? First of all it is competently planned process, which involves clear planning, execution and further development. Obligatorily sysadmin defines the needs of the company in information resources. He also takes into account the specifics of the business, the system of interaction between individual units. In this organization of the computer network is carried out only by taking into account all factors and considered from different perspectives. All systems, regardless of their configuration, must be reliable from the technical point of view and convenient for each user. In order to make the policy of IT infrastructure of the company reliable, it is necessary to make IT audit, which will be the basis of such development.
If we talk about system administration not in general, but as a daily task, it includes monitoring the state of the network, ensuring the configuration of all connected devices, carrying out preventive maintenance, troubleshooting various malfunctions. Also, such work includes the configuration of software, prevention of external attacks, various threats, other types of unauthorized access to the network and internal system.